happy on September 16, 2018, 09:39:13 PM
depa and Nikkei BP Intelligence Group jointly organize
“Asia Digital Society Forum 2018 -Bangkok-“ in Digital Thailand Big Bang Week

Realizing Smart City, Smart Factory by Utilizing IoT and AI Technology

Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa) and Nikkei BP Intelligence Group (Think Tank org. belonging to Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. Tokyo, Japan) will organize
Asia Digital Society Forum 2018 -Bangkok- on Sept. 21th, 2018 To promote co-creation between Thailand and Japan towards Establishment of Digital Society “Thailand 4.0”, . The event will be held in Digital Thailand Big Bang Week to appeal the cooperative relationship between Thailand and Japan.

Through this forum, depa will provide an essential platform for interested Japanese and Thai in digital industry to gather and exchange ideas as well as to share their expertise in the field, and to promote event as part of Digital Thailand Big Bang 2018 event.

Nikkei BP Intelligence Group will support networking opportunities for advancing co-creation through sharing opinions on how Japan can contribute to creating a digital society in Asia with the forum attendees who are key people challenged with building a future society in respective Asian countries.

About the Forum

   Dates      : 21st September 2018, 9:30(Opening)-17:00
   Organizers   : depa, Nikkei BP Intelligence Group
   Cooperation   : Nikkei Group Asia, AOTS
   Venue      : IMPACT Challenger Jupiter 4-7, Bangkok, Thailand
   Languages   : Thai and Japanese (simultaneous interpretation available)
   Attendance Fee   : Free
   Registration   : https://project.nikkeibp.co.jp/event/asia180921_eng/

*Lecturer, lecture time, content of lecture etc. may be changed.


Nikkei BP Intelligence Group

A kind of think tank belonging to Nikkei Business Publications, Inc., established in September 2015, supports private and public sectors on their business solutions, marketing efforts, brand buildings and technology developments by utilizing Nikkei Business Publications' expertise and information dissemination. The Group managing its specialized research institutes with experiences and track records provides broad and in-depth assistances for the business activity.

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