Lawyers Council under the Royal Patronage hosts ‘His Majesty the King and the Privy Council’ exhibition and book launch
Visitors to the exhibition will learn “what the Thai King has done, for whom he has worked and how”, based on stories told by members of the Privy Council 19-24 May 2015 Promotion Hall 1-1, Floor 1 Central Plaza, Udon Thani
Lawyers Council under the Royal Patronage organizes an exhibition and the launch of book set entitled “His Majesty the King and the Privy Council” which is now presenting in three languages (Thai, Chinese and English) for public knowledge of His Majesty the King’s duties. Nineteen touching stories were recounted by his nineteen closest advisors with accompanying rare photos.
Exhibition will introduce the book set entitled “His Majesty the King and the Privy Council” offering the readers in Thai, Chinese and English languages. The book covers the Kingdom of Thailand’s history, stories of significant royal duties, the first establishment of Privy Council by King Chulalongkorn (Rama V), the role of the Privy Council according to the Constitution, the complete biographies of all current Councils, H.M. the King’s speeches given to the Privy Council and the rare photos portraying royal duties published for the first time.
Nineteen impressive stories in the book were written in the various style of each Privy Council which all are portraying the King’s vision, stories behind the King’s duties and projects, his care and kind concern towards his people for the happiness of all Thai people.
The book entitled His Majesty the King and the Privy Council is now available for purchase at Naiin and other bookstores across Thailand.
Book set comprising three languages (Thai, Chinese, and English) costs 999 Baht.
Separated book in each language can also be purchased,
Thai language: 199 Baht
Chinese language: 400 Bath
English language: 400 Baht
All net proceeds will benefit the Ananda Mahidol Foundation.
Lawyers Council under the Royal Patronage was authorized by the Privy Council and His Majesty the King to publish the book for public knowledge which is encouraged for sharing with children to learn about our beloved King. It can be used in the library as the reference and inspiration for doing the good things following His Majesty the King’s path, or given as special gift to schools or any educational institutions or sharing to friends in any special occasions.
Visitors are invited to attend “His Majesty the King and the Privy Council” exhibition, from 19-24 May 2015, at Promotion Hall 1-1, Floor 1 Central Plaza, Udon Thani