ขอเชิญร่วมสัมมนา และ Workshop เพื่อสร้างความรู้ ความเข้าใจ ในการเตรียมความพร้อมองค์กรสู่ความเป็นเลิศอย่างยั่งยืน
ในงาน Thailand Quality Award Seminar 2009: Self-Assessment for Corporate Sustainability Planning based on Baldrige Criteria
7 – 9 กันยายน 2552 InterContinental Hotel Bangkok and Swissotel Le Concorde Hotel Bangkok
Thailand Quality Award positioned to be the most prestigious quality award in Thailand, was established in 2001 to promote the understanding and implementation of the requirements of performance excellence, recognize world-class quality achievement, and facilitate sharing of best practices.
Since its inception, Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI) which is the administrating body of the award through the Office of TQA (OTQA), has formulated marketing and promotional strategies to create an understanding and awareness of the award framework including building corporate identity and brand exposure, public relation, building TQA network, public education etc.
In 2009, FTPI is interested in creating the awareness of corporate sustainability within the Baldrige context that is part of the 2009-2010 Baldrige Criteria requirements, and also because it has become a desired vision of leading corporate organizations worldwide due to rapid changes within their business, market and operating environment’s, as well as, the increasing demands on corporate societal responsibilities from various customer and supplier groups.
Therefore, FTPI organize Workshop on “Self-Assessment for Corporate Sustainability Planning” and Seminar on “Baldrige Green: Corporate Sustainability Assessment to promote the awareness and understanding on corporate sustainability among private and public sectors.
After completing the workshop, participants will be able to:
Use the Baldrige Criteria to identify an organization’s corporate sustainability/ social responsibility issues.
Conduct an in-house corporate sustainability self-assessment.
Identify key economic, environmental, and social issues that impact an organization’s corporate sustainability.
Develop a Baldrige-based corporate sustainability plan incorporates the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index.
September 7, 2009
09.00 – 09.15 Welcome from FTPI Advisor to the Executive Director
09.15 – 10.15 - Baldrige Criteria Overview
- Organizational Overview (Exercise 1)
10.30 – 12.00 - Report Out (Exercise 1)
- 7 Steps for Assessing Corporate Sustainability
- Table Team Assessment and Scoring – Item 1.1
(Exercise 2) Category 1: Leadership
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.30 - Report Out (Exercise 2)
- Table Team Assessment and Scoring – Item 4.1
(Exercise 3) Category 4: Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge
14.45 – 16.00 - Report Out (Exercise 3)
- Corporate Sustainability Benchmarking Process (Exercise 4)
Break 10.15 – 10.30 / 14.30 – 14.45
September 8, 2009
09.00 – 09.30 - Report Out (Exercise 4)
- Review Issues/ Questions from Day 1
09.30 – 10.45 - Conducting a Quick and Easy Supplier/ Customer Assessment for Corporate Sustainability (Exercise 5)
11.00 – 12.00 - Report Out (Exercise 5)
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.30 - Transforming Assessment Findings (Exercise 6)
- Report Out (Exercise 6)
14.45 – 16.30 - Developing a Corporate Sustainability Plan and Budget (Exercise 7)
- Report Out (Exercise 7)
- Completing the Corporate Green Sustainability Index (CGSI) (Exercise

- Report Out (Exercise

Break 10.45 – 11.00 / 14.30 – 14.45
Workshop will be conducted in English without translation provided.
After completing the seminar, participants will be able to conduct an in-house corporate sustainability assessment based on Baldrige Criteria, use Baldrige Criteria to identify key economic, environmental, and social corporate sustainability issues, score their organization’s corporate sustainability efforts and overall progress and begin the process of using Baldrige Assessment findings to develop their formal corporate sustainability plan.
Seminar Topics
09.00 – 09.15 Welcome from FTPI Executive Director
09.15 – 10.00 - Baldrige Criteria Overview
- Organizational Profile
10.00 – 10.15 Break
10.15 – 12.00 - Leadership Assessment
- Corporate Green Sustainability Index (CGSI)
- Corporate Sustainability Report Planning
- Global Report Initiative (GRI) Index Discussion
Presentation will be in English with translation provided.
About the Expert
Donald C. Fisher, Ph. D.
Executive Director / CEO
MSQPC – The Quality Center (Mid-South Quality/Productivity Center)
Donald Fisher, Executive Director/CEO of Mid-South Quality /Productivity Center —The Quality Center in Memphis, Tennessee, a Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Center of Quality Emphasis, has served as a four year national examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige Award in the United States and has presented the Criteria internationally to Hitachi, Ltd. in Japan, to the Center for Productivity in Maracaibo, Venezuela, and to a group of international suppliers in London. He has also consulted with officials from the Venezuelan Ministry of Development who have reviewed adopting the
Malcolm Baldrige Criteria as a model for their National Quality Award. He has worked as a visiting scholar (Commissioned by the World Bank) with the President and Prime Minister of Mauritius (an island nation located in the Indian Ocean) to oversee that nation’s first ever Baldrige award program. In addition, he worked with the Federal Express Corporation in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on their Baldrige Application for the Dubai Quality Award. He has worked with 85 presidents of worldwide companies owned by the Hong Leong management group in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to help them use Baldrige Criteria for strategic planning. Fisher also served as an advisor for Gate Gourmet International (a division of SwissAir) “Global Service Excellence” Baldrige project in Zurich, Switzerland. Fisher is a multi-year veteran and was one of the first national examiners appointed to the of the Board of Examiners for the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and has judged quality performance based on the Baldrige Criteria for more than 170 leading organizations worldwide. He has traveled throughout the world helping organizations with awards similar to the Baldrige Award. He is the author or co-author of a number of books, including The Simplified Baldrige Award Organization Assessment, Demystifying Baldrige, Measuring Up to the Baldrige, Baldrige on Campus, The Baldrige Workbook for Healthcare, and Homeland Security Assessment Manual (A Comprehensive Organizational Assessment Based on Baldrige Criteria). His most recent Baldrige-based book is entitled: Corporate Sustainability Planning Assessment Guide: A Comprehensive Organizational Assessment. In addition, he serves on numerous quality boards throughout the United States and the world.
He presently serves as a judge for the Arizona State Quality Award and was a founding member of the board of directors and one of six judges for the Tennessee Quality Award. He is a past member of the Advisory Board and is presently serving on the Panel of Judges for the Commonwealth of Kentucky Quality Award and has served as both a director and judge for the Greater Memphis Award for Quality. In addition to these appointments, he was appointed to serve on both the President’s Quality Award Program Panel of Judges in Washington D.C. and was selected as one of eight senior judges for the Secretary of the Air Force Unit Quality Award. He served as a consultant to the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) National Project on developing its Baldrige-based Management Achievement Award (MAA) for American colleges and universities. In addition he served seven years as a judge for the RIT/USA Today Quality Cup Team Award.
Fisher’s credentials include spending over 20 years using Baldrige Criteria to conduct organizational assessments of various global organizations such as FedEx Corporation, Volvo-GM Heavy Truck Corporation, Cargill Corn Milling North America, Bama Companies, Hong Leong Corporation Malaysia, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
The concept and scope of sustainability efforts relate to an organization entails the corporate integration of economic, environmental, and social issues that the organization impacts. The most common definition of sustainability was created in 1987 by the Brundtland Commission, formally the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), which noted that sustainability does not focus solely on environmental issues, but on three foundations of economic growth which include economic, environmental, and social factors.
Corporate sustainability planning has risen in prominence over the past few years among leading organizations as a tool to achieve strategic dominance within the global marketplace. Organizational sustainability is being addressed in both the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Indexes and the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Recognition initiative that was launched in 2005 and is given annually at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Corporate Sustainability is a business approach that creates long-term shareholder value by identifying opportunities and managing risks deriving from economic, environmental, and social developments evolving within an organization.
- Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes brochure
ค่าใช้จ่ายในการสัมมนา ราคาปกติ เมื่อสมัครและชำระเงิน
ภายใน 28 สิงหาคม 2552
7-8 กย.52 9 กย.52 7-8 กย.52 9 กย.52
บุคคลทั่วไป 8,400 บาท 2,800 บาท 8,000 บาท 2,500 บาท
สมาชิกสถาบันเพิ่มผลผลิตแห่งชาติ 7,400 บาท 2,500 บาท 6,900 บาท 2,250 บาท
สถาบันจดทะเบียนในนามมูลนิธิ จึงได้รับยกเว้นภาษีหัก ณ ที่จ่าย
(ราคารวมภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม อาหารว่าง อาหารกลางวัน และเอกสารประกอบการสัมมนา)
สั่งจ่ายเช็คในนาม “มูลนิธิเพื่อสถาบันเพิ่มผลผลิตแห่งชาติ” หรือ “Foundation for Thailand Productivity Institute”
โอนเงินผ่านธนาคารกรุงเทพ สาขาอาคารยาคูลท์ สนามเป้า
o ชื่อบัญo ชี “มูลนิธิเพื่อสถาบันเพิ่มผลผลิตแห่งo ชาติ” บัญo ชีออมทรัพย์ เลขที่ 210-0-50861-9
กรุณาส่งใบสมัครและหลักฐานการชำระเงินมาที่หมายเลข 0-2619-8070 หรือ 0-2619-8069
ฝ่ายส่งเสริมการเพิ่มผลผลิต สถาบันเพิ่มผลผลิตแห่งชาติ
โทรศัพท์ 0-2619-5500 ต่อ 432 (สุภารัตน์) โทรสาร 0-2619-8070, 0-2619-8096
publicseminar@ftpi.or.th หรือ
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ประเภทสมาชิก O สมาชิกสถาบันเพิ่มผลผลิตแห่งชาติ รหัสสมาชิก ........................
O ไม่เป็นสมาชิก
โทรศัพท์ ................................................... โทรสาร .....................................................
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1. ชื่อ / สกุล...
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¦ 7-8 กันยายน 2552 Workshop on “Self-Assessment for Corporate Sustainability Planning”
¦ 9 กันยายน 2552 Seminar on “Baldrige Green: Corporate Sustainability Assessment
2. ชื่อ / สกุล...
ตำแหน่ง.................................................. E-mail ..................................................
¦ 7-8 กันยายน 2552 Workshop on “Self-Assessment for Corporate Sustainability Planning”
¦ 9 กันยายน 2552 Seminar on “Baldrige Green: Corporate Sustainability Assessment
3. ชื่อ / สกุล...
ตำแหน่ง.................................................. E-mail ..................................................
¦ 7-8 กันยายน 2552 Workshop on “Self-Assessment for Corporate Sustainability Planning”
¦ 9 กันยายน 2552 Seminar on “Baldrige Green: Corporate Sustainability Assessment
4. ชื่อ / สกุล...
ตำแหน่ง.................................................. E-mail ..................................................
¦ 7-8 กันยายน 2552 Workshop on “Self-Assessment for Corporate Sustainability Planning”
¦ 9 กันยายน 2552 Seminar on “Baldrige Green: Corporate Sustainability Assessment
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O เว็บไซต์ สถาบันเพิ่มผลผลิตแห่งชาติ O เว็บไซต์ รางวัลคุณภาพแห่งชาติ
O เว็บไซต์อื่นๆ (โปรดระบุ ................................................)
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